Share Your Fork In The Road Story
Your story could make a difference in many people’s lives. We want to know how you made a choice and why you made that choice. Your story could a big decision or a tiny choice. It could be personal or work related.
Your story remains confidential unless you give us permission to share the story. If we asked to share your story and you give us permission, it can be shared anonymously.
In your story, please try to answer the following questions:
♦ What was the fork in the road, issue or challenge you were facing?
♦ What was going on in your life at the time you needed to make this choice?
♦ What happened before this point that may have contributed to your being at this fork in the road?
♦ What were all the things that influenced your choice both within you and around you?
♦ If your choice required you to trust something beyond the available facts, what led you to trust this choice?
Your Privacy Is Our Top Priority
Your story, your email address and your information are all kept strictly confidential. We need the email address in case we need clarification about your story and to get your permission to publish the story. Occasionally, we’ll send you a short email about how this research project is progressing.
Still have questions or aren’t sure whether you have a story to share? Just send us an email at
When you submit your story, it is sent to an off-line database and does not reside on this website or anywhere on the internet. This is done to further protect your privacy and eliminate spam postings.