The 10 Most Popular Inspirational Quotes About Life by Don Shapiro These are the 10 most popular inspirational quotes about life from the Life Is A Fork In The Road page on Facebook. Time is the great healer “Time is the great healer. No matter how difficult the circumstances that […]
What I’ve Learned So Far
Change is inevitable. How you deal with change can pave the road to a better life Change happens whether you want it to or not. This is the way of the universe. Either you make the change or something is going to make the change for you. To find a […]
If you think English speaking countries dominate this Facebook Page, think again! The Life Is A Fork In The Road Facebook page has been on Facebook for 3 1/2 years. During that time it has grown to over 55,000 people from 157 countries around the world. Facebook has provided me […]
Choices: 4 tips to reduce your risk and improve your outcomes How can we know when our choices are a justified risk versus just rolling the dice? We should never just choose to do something because we fear we might regret it later. At the same time, we have to […]
How has a tiny choice changed your life? In a typical day, we make over 200 choices which add up to over 10,000 choices a year. You may have put many of those choices on automatic pilot but they are choices that you could change if you wanted to. And […]