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Inspirational Quotes About Life

The 10 Most Popular Inspirational Quotes About Life by Don Shapiro

These are the 10 most popular inspirational quotes about life from the Life Is A Fork In The Road page on Facebook.

Time is the great healer

Inspirational quotes about life - Time is a the great healer“Time is the great healer. No matter how difficult the circumstances that cross our path, it takes time for our emotions, minds and spirit to process what’s happened. Rushing to make choices too quickly can send us down the wrong fork in the road. It’s normal and natural to feel overwhelmed, out of sorts and confused when a major change knocks on our door. While you may be forced to make some choices quickly, delay as many choices as possible until time has worked its magic. When you feel on solid ground again, you will be ready to make better choices about the future.”


It takes courage to live as your authentic self

Inspirational quotes about life - It takes courage to live as your authentic self“It takes courage to live as your authentic self. Some people, even family members, may not want to accept the real you. But if you don’t live that way, you become less of yourself and limit what you can do. Walking to the beat of your own drum allows you to use all your gifts and be there for others. Every choice you make contains the choice to be authentic. When you choose to live as who you really are, you become your best self.”


We are not our past

Inspirational quotes about life - We are not our past“We are not our past. Our past reflects experiences good and bad that gave us feelings, abilities and wisdom. While those experiences shaped our journey and some could be hurtful, they do not define who we are, what we can be or limit where we can go. We can grow our tree of life in new directions with new branches and transform in amazing ways. When we release the hold of the past over us, we free ourselves to embrace the wonder of all we can be.”


Move one pebble on the beat and you change history

Inspirational quotes about life - Move one pebble on the beach and you change history“Move one pebble on the beach and you change history. No matter how much you have thought through a choice, you cannot know what the future holds. The moment you make that choice it changes things around you in unforeseen ways. Moving even a few small pebbles can set in motion changes that create new forks, new paths and new options which were hidden from view. While reflecting and investigating are good things, sometimes we just need to take an action that will alter our situation enough to find the path that’s right for us.”


It’s not the situation you’re in that matters but how you see the situation

Inspirational quotes about life - It not the situation you're in that matters but how you see the situation“It’s not the situation you’re in that matters but how you see the situation. That determines the choices and forks you find. Everyone goes through struggles and difficulties during their life. Sometimes we find ourselves in a room without windows or doors. That is an illusion created in our own mind. A new window, new perspective and new awareness await us when we go beyond our emotions to the place of inner wisdom. The path to a better place patiently waits for us.”


Your life’s journey begins beyond your comfort zone

Inspirational quotes about life - Your life begins beyond your comfort zone“Your life’s journey begins beyond your comfort zone. Sometimes, we feel there is no way out, nowhere to go, no path beyond our current circumstance. We can too easily enter a comfort zone that blinds us to all the forks in the road patiently waiting to be found. There are also times where we would rather stay in an undesirable situation we know rather than venture into the unknown. Break out of your comfort zone, do something different to create a new view and the next path on your journey may unfold before your eyes.”


Awareness unlocks our potential

Inspirational quotes about life - As our awareness grows so we grow“Awareness unlocks our potential. As our awareness grows, so we grow. Whether you face a major crisis or just want to make things better, new awareness makes all the difference. Re-frame, restate and reform how you look at your current situation to reveal something new that might have been hidden. As we change our view of the situation, we can discover new forks in the road.”


Change happens whether you want it to or not

Inspirational quotes about life - Change happens whether you want it to or not“Change happens whether you want it to or not. This is the way of the universe. Either you make the change or something is going to make the change for you. You can’t prevent surprising events in your life but you can improve your journey by becoming the force of change instead of a roadblock to change. Allow your true inner wisdom to guide you toward the changes that are best for you.”


When you change yourself, the world starts changing with you

Inspirational quotes about life - When you change yourself the world starts changing with you“When you change yourself, the world starts changing with you. Don’t wait for someone or something else to make the change first. The situation you face will remain the same until something changes. Why not become the force of change in your life. Like ripples moving through the water, your world and everyone in it start changing the moment you change yourself.”


What you do counts more than what you say you do

Inspirational quotes about life - What you do counts more than what you say you do

“What you do counts more than what you say you do. Your actions tell everyone who you really are. If you want respect, then show respect for others. If you want to be a person of action, then take action. If you want to be successful, act successful in all you do. If you want other people to help you on your way, help them on their way first. If you want love, then show that you are a loving person. Your actions grow the forest that becomes your life’s journey.”



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Inspirational quotes about life by Don Shapiro

These are just a few of the quotes about life Don Shapiro has written on Facebook as he works on finishing his book Life Is A Fork In The Road. Please sign up for the email update in the right hand column so you will be notified when the book is published.

Please visit the Life Is A Fork In The Road Facebook page to join the discussion and read Don’s latest writings.

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