How has a tiny choice changed your life? In a typical day, we make over 200 choices which add up to over 10,000 choices a year. You may have put many of those choices on automatic pilot but they are choices that you could change if you wanted to. And […]
23 year old Derian King was returning from a party one evening . A snowstorm blanketed chilly Chicago that evening and road plows had only cleared the major roads so far. At 1 AM in the morning, she stopped at a traffic light. A voice inside of her told her […]
If you strip it down to its very core, life is about making choices. Our life is filled with millions of choices big and small. Imagine a tree the size of our solar system with branches leading to branches and more branches. Each of those branches represents a fork we […]
(This post originally was a comment posted about a blog on No one else can tell you what you should be doing with your life. You are the expert on you. The trick is getting beyond all the logic and analysis which needs to be done so you can […]
Kelly Ketelboeter shared this story: It was 2002 and I was completely miserable in my job. Prior to this realization I didn’t see my work as a job I saw it as a career. I loved what I was doing and felt I was making an impact. That was until […]